IMPROBABLE DOLLS is a small production unit that specialises in Stop-Motion Animation short films. It is run by French filmmaker Nataly Lebouleux and is based in Manchester England, a city known for its vibrant music scene and long rainy days -a stop motion animator’s heaven!
We came to life in 2005 to produce Nataly’s first animated short “Illuminate”, and we are proud to announce that our latest production “Paper Thin” is now ready for distribution.
Over the years, we have had the opportunity to collaborate with a lovely bunch of local artists, dreamers and mavericks. Each film has brought together a different team of people. Some though, have decided to hang around…
We love Horror, the Surreal and of course, Magical realism.
We like to give a visual voice to marginalised stories and take pride in bringing beauty and poetry to the most difficult themes. We hope to disturb, subvert and enchant, and believe that their are truths to be found in imaginary corners…
Welcome to the world of Improbable Dolls!